
Kaiser Permanente Northern California Selects MedHub for Undergraduate Medical Education (UME)

Ann Arbor, Michigan – MedHub, Inc., has concluded an agreement with Kaiser Permanente Northern California to deploy its MedHub enterprise undergraduate medical education system to handle Medical Students. MedHub was already being used to handle all resident and fellow training for Graduate Medical Education. This agreement expands MedHub’s access to UME programs at institutions where MedHub’s GME system is already in use.

The development of full system functionality to address the stringent regulatory requirements for Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) coupled with MedHub’s best-of-class system for Graduate Medical Education (GME) means large enterprises can leverage the functionality of a single unified system to handle all of its physician trainees. Many of MedHub’s existing clients have suggested and requested MedHub develop this functionality to address the need for a single unified system to manage all physician trainees across the entire enterprise. The functionality was first piloted at Cleveland Clinic.

For the enterprise client, it means decreased redundant administrative effort, increased efficiency, shared access to data by user role, better data outcomes and lower cost because a large teaching hospital no longer needs multiple systems to handle physician training.

For MedHub it means expanded market size and the opportunities that accompany a broader potential client base. It also solidifies MedHub’s position as a mission critical system at its client institutions and makes MedHub more attractive as a complete physician training solution for large enterprises with a Medical School and Residency programs that share trainees.

Functions and tasks managed by MedHub include: complex real-time rotation, shift, call and clinic schedules, faculty and resident demographics, resident evaluations, case logs/medical procedures, didactic conference management, resident duty hours and document management. A myriad of complex tasks is driven by elegant work flow through task-based algorithms.

With more than 200 in-house physician trainees, 700 rotators and 500 medical students training at KP from institutions such as Stanford University, The University of California – Davis, The University of California at San Francisco and others, Kaiser Permanente represents a unique challenge in pulling multiple affiliates into a single unified system to handle complex scheduling and Medicare reimbursement requirements. Nearly 4,000 total users with interact with the Medhub system on a regular basis. MedHub stakeholders include residents, attending faculty, program administrators, Graduate Medical Education, Hospital Finance, paging, nurses and others.

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